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How Do I Plan My Tax Withholding in Retirement?

The U.S. tax system operates on a “pay-as-you-go” basis through federal income tax withholding and estimated taxes. The government generally wants their revenue as taxpayers earn their money. The government has obligations throughout the year, so I suppose this is understandable. Plus, paying in during the year is arguably good for many of us as […]

How Do I Plan My Tax Withholding in Retirement? Read More »

So, What’s Your Plan for The Bear Market?

A lot of people are stressed out about a lot of things right now. Markets are down. Prices are up for many of the things you need to buy. Interest rates are rising and make it a confusing time to consider buying or selling a house, or making other major financial decisions. This all adds to the stress you may be feeling about your job, the ongoing pandemic, and the health of loved ones.

So, What’s Your Plan for The Bear Market? Read More »